Have you ever walked into a baby store, excited and ready to purchase a car restraint, only to instantly have that excitement overwhelmed by choices…so many choices! The most prominent feedback I get from new, and seasoned parents alike, is that car restraint shopping is challenging, overwhelming and downright confusing. One of the more common reasons I can’t complete an installation is due to inappropriate restraint choices – an easy mistake to make with such a huge variety, and misleading advertising!
Be Seated is ready to change the way parents shop for child safety restraints.
Suitable for 0 – 12m babies if you’re looking for a travel system that will attach to your pram, or perhaps you’re having a low birth weight baby, then capsule could be the best choice for your family.
Suitable for all rear facing babies and children, right through to an average 4yo child. A convertible 0-4 restraint is the first step in child travel safety you’ll take if a capsule isn’t your thing. Be Seated only stocks 0-4 restraints that follow best practise guidelines.
Harnessed Boosters
Suitable for children 4yo+, (I regularly see 9 and 10yo’s still in these, my own daughter included.). Are your children outgrowing their 0-4 restraints? A harnessed booster is the next stage to keeping your children safe in the car.
Suitable for children 8+ (remember, we go by best practise recommendations here!) Has your child outgrown their harnessed booster, but they’re not quite tall enough to use the vehicle seat yet? Then a booster is what you need to see you through your last stage of child restraints.
Be Seated carries a large range of travel accessories. Whether you need to alter or strengthen a restraint installation, protect your little ones from harsh UV, or simply make car trips smoother, Be Seated has you covered!
Have you ever walked into a baby store, excited and ready to purchase a car restraint, only to instantly have that excitement overwhelmed by choices…so many choices! The most prominent feedback I get from new, and seasoned parents alike, is that car restraint shopping is challenging, overwhelming and downright confusing. One of the more common reasons I can’t complete an installation is due to inappropriate restraint choices – an easy mistake to make with such a huge variety, and misleading advertising!
Be Seated is ready to change the way parents shop for child safety restraints.
Suitable for 0 – 12m babies if you’re looking for a travel system that will attach to your pram, or perhaps you’re having a low birth weight baby, then capsule could be the best choice for your family.
Suitable for all rear facing babies and children, right through to an average 4yo child. A convertible 0-4 restraint is the first step in child travel safety you’ll take if a capsule isn’t your thing. Be Seated only stocks 0-4 restraints that follow best practise guidelines.
Harnessed Boosters
Suitable for children 4yo+, (I regularly see 9 and 10yo’s still in these, my own daughter included.). Are your children outgrowing their 0-4 restraints? A harnessed booster is the next stage to keeping your children safe in the car.
Suitable for children 8+ (remember, we go by best practise recommendations here!) Has your child outgrown their harnessed booster, but they’re not quite tall enough to use the vehicle seat yet? Then a booster is what you need to see you through your last stage of child restraints.
Be Seated carries a large range of travel accessories. Whether you need to alter or strengthen a restraint installation, protect your little ones from harsh UV, or simply make car trips smoother, Be Seated has you covered!